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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online more than two weeks ago
Male, 40 years, born on 14 May 1984
Not looking for a job
Moscow, willing to relocate (Austria, Great Britain, Germany, USA, Saint Petersburg, Switzerland), prepared for business trips
head of marketing communications department, brand manager
2 700 € in hand
- Marketing and advertising department manager
Employment: full time
Work schedule: full day
Work experience 22 years 3 months
February 2009 — currently
16 years 2 months
Moscow Domodedovo Airport
head of advertising department
- Domodedovo brand book development and management (house style constants, logo, brand elements and brand colors renewal, photo style building, slogan development)
- Souvenir production creative concept development, orders placement and control of production - more than 20 positions of souvenir production in unique design according to the concepts “From Russia with love” и “Smartport DME”. Airport internal communications regarding the souvenirs distribution.
- Project management - design and production of airport's print production (Profile, Timetable brochure - every six months, airport's information brochures and presentations about services and departments).
- Project management by promotion of airports services (self check-in, Domodedovo Transfer Service) – creative concept development, video spot production, media planning, media placement.
- Domodedovo's advertising campaign in international business and industrial media
- Media planning and placement of co-campaign Domodedovo with airlines – United Airlines, Cathay Pacific, Turkish Airlines, Transaero, Air Berlin. Event management of inauguration (first flight) flights of mentioned airlines from Domodedovo.
- Preparation and management of the main airport's event in 2009 - Airbus 380 Russia’s first flight in Domodedovo.
- Airport's top-management appreciation for bright and high quality souvenir production
- 2 Certificates of honor: from Head of Russian Aviation (1st Deputy Transport Minister) for professional achievements and from Domodedovo district's Head for Airbus 380 Event.
- development of united and recognizable house style for Domodedovo's print production
- forming of clear and precise scheme of united management of different projects
October 2006 — February 2009
2 years 5 months
Komandor Brains&Brands
key account manager
Responsibilities and functions:
- key manager of the branding and re-branding, marketing communications and event-marketing projects.
- working out the positioning concepts and communication strategies for such brands like "Domodedovo. Moscow International Airport", "Vitek", Brita (jug waterfilters), "Moroz i Solnce" (vodka), Rondell (house appliances), "Moscow Oceanarium", "Novaya Medovarnya"
- working out of creative concepts for brands "Vitek", Rondell, "Moscow Oceanarium", "Domodedovo".
- management of market surveys (polls, inquiries, hall-tests)for brands "Vitek", "Moscow Oceanarium"
- successful management of events for companies "Nobel Biocare", "Orco Molcom"
- senior management of the project groups from 4 until 7 members (research, strategic and creative groups)
- successful negotiations with several clients
- regular work with many suppliers simultaneously
- responsibility for company's income and profit and qualitative management of the whole project
- management of 5 - 9 projects simultaneously
- high profits from the projects (from 30% to 85%)
- succsessfull advertising campaigns of brands "Domodedovo", "Brita", "Rondell", "Vitek", "Novaya Medovarnya", - sales increasing 10% - 25%.
- successful and large-scale advertising campaign of the brand "Domodedovo. Moscow International Airport" in european mass-media (WELT, FAZ, Airline Business, Handelszeitung, trend etc.)
- building of long-term brand-platforms for TM like, "Moscow Oceanarium", "Vitek", "Rondell".
April 2006 — July 2006
4 months
TBWA Moscow
project coordinator Nissan Almera Classic (freelance)
- preparation and management of promo action Nissan Almera Classic in "Ramstor" chain;
- controlling of promo staff;
- project reporting;
April 2005 — July 2006
1 year 4 months
Football Club "Moscow" - sport-marketing
PR-manager (press-office)
- working out and realization of advertising and PR-cooperation concepts with information sponsors and such media like "GQ", "Finance", "Russian Newsweek", "Molotok";
- press-centre management during the home games of the club;
- organization and coordination of several filming, photography and interviews of the club trainers and players for the following media: NTV, TVC, Sport;
- daily press and news-release writing;
- daily media monitoring;
- creating the texts of the official club magazine;
- communication with journalists
- informational support of the fan department;
- web site administration.
- working out and realization of advertising and PR-cooperation concepts with "Molotok"-magazine;
- working out and implementation of the image campaign of the head coach Leonid Slutsky
September 2004 — January 2005
5 months
Publishing house GameLand
Event-manager (freelance)
Working out and carrying out the corporate New Year party of Game Land.
- creating a concept and scenario;
- settling the organizational problems and event coordination.
December 2002 — January 2005
2 years 2 months
Event Factory - special, exclusive events
promo, actor
promo, actor on several events
December 2002 — December 2004
2 years 1 month
РА 'B.W.A. Rapp Collins' - BTL-agency
promo on VIP-events (golf tournaments, exhibitions (Extravaganza)
I worked as promoter for 3-4 years on more than 15 projects and events. I get a great experience during all this projects not only from the side of people communication but also from the side of getting the knowledge of promo action organization.
September 2003 — December 2003
4 months
Political party «United Russia»
assistant of the local Moscow advisory council head
Russian Duma campaign 2003
- preparation of meetings;
- writing the official letters.
September 2002 — April 2003
8 months
GUU - State University of Management
faculty head assistant
Scientific effort on the PR and advertising faculties.
Participation in the research of corporate culture.
Preparation and presentation on the science conference the personal work about the science intelligence in Russia. This work was published in the brochure 'Young Scientists of GUU 2003'
About me
- perfect organizational skills;
- absolute stress-resistant
- initiative and creative person with a non-standard thinking
- can successfully work both in team and individually;
- high learning capability
- active life position
- broad practical and theoretical knowledge in branding, PR, strategic marketing, researches and Event-management, which i get and collected in Domodedovo airport, Komandor Brains&Brands agency, in University and other work places.
- have some publications and interviews in foreign media on sport themes - Welt, Handelsblatt, Berliner Zeitung, Abendzeitung, Basler Zeitung. Interviews with Guus Hiddink and Vyatscheslav Fetisov.
- very good knowledge of foreign languages - by management of several project I use a lot of English and German
- flexibility - easily find right approach to different people's types
- can easily switch to the work in a new sphere
- good knowledge and experience in many markets
- can create very different texts
- have good contacts with many journalists - sport, life style, beauty...
Interests: sport (football, tennis, basketball, hockey etc.), traveling, branding, policy and modern community, history, theatre, modern and classic literature, cinema.
Higher education
GUU - State University of Management
PR, PR-specialist (first class degree)
Special school with advanced study of German № 1271
-, -
Professional development, courses
private English class
personal class, upper-intermediate
German class
Goethe Institut Moskau, Oberstufe (C 2.2)(Advanced)
English class
Diplomatic academy (Foreign Ministry), Intermediate
Training of right performance and preparing and management of press-conference
GUU - PR-faculty, -
Training of effective cooperation and group management
GUU - Advertising faculty - Voronin V.N., -
Tests, examinations
Zentrale Oberstufenpruefung
Goethe Institut Moskau, very good (sehr gut)
English exam on the Intermediate-level
Diplomatic academy (Foreign Ministry), very good
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Russia
Permission to work: Russia
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter