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Male, 37 years, born on 12 September 1987

Italy, I want to relocate (Great Britain, Germany, Yekaterinburg, Spain, Italy, Kazan, Orenburg, Portugal, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Sterlitamak, Ufa, France), prepared for business trips

Management accounting department manager

  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time, part time

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working

Work experience 15 years

June 2016currently
8 years 11 months
Società Cooperativa Sociale Europa a.r.l.


Hotels, Restaurants, Food Service Industry, Catering... Show more

Reception administrator
- Reception administation; - Receptionist for foreign guests; - Hotel accounting; - cost and revenue checking; - relationship with suppliers; - relationship with travel agencies and OTA such as Booking.com and Expedia partner central
May 2010currently
15 years
Società Cooperativa Sociale San Bernardo a.r.l.


Medicine, Pharmaceuticals, Pharmacies... Show more

Business Administration
Administration employer Description of duties: - Front Office; - Back Office; - financial Accounter. - payrolls; - planning of activities; - budgeting; - cost and revenue checking; - relationship with private and public clients; - relationship with banks, - relationship with suppliers. Total number of years/months of proven working experience including part-time work which is counted pro-rata: 6 years and half


Skill proficiency levels
Organization Skills
Business Planning
Microsoft Access
MS Office
Driving Licence B
Customer orientation
Time management
microsoft windows
MS Excel
Local IP access networks
Presentation skills

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B

About me

I consider myself a citizen of the World, I don't believe in borders or walls, I am a person open to the world and to any type of Knowledge, the engine of my being, kaizen is part of my philosophy of life, there are no goals but stages of a long ride that's Life, where the self-denial, the perseverance, seriousness , respect for the work of their own and of others, respect of roles in a collaborative peer-to-peer relationship leads me to have excellent work relationships, mutual respect and a strong empathy towards my stakeholdes regular and occasional, the responsibility of the live as challenges with optimism and a spirit of sacrifice and eager to face always new and challenging. The absolute goal is to be happy every time that I wake up and every time I go to sleep after a day not wasted. Acquaintances and strangers recognize in me "the shining","kind", "smart", and "Pragmatic" but without losing the Form, because form is also substance. I'm not afraid of new challenges, even in sectors where I haven't experience, because it is acquired only on the field, and I believe that Success is the sum of all the experiences and mistakes in our life, which fortunately led me to have people that supports me, counsels and encourages my every decision. Mi considero cittadino del Mondo, non credo nei confini, sono una persona aperta al nuovo e a qualsiasi tipo di conoscenza, il motore del mio essere.Il kaizen fa parte della mia filosofia di vita non solo lavorativa, non esistono traguardi ma tappe di un lungo giro, dove l'abnegazione, la costanza, la serietà , il rispetto del lavoro proprio e degli altri, il rispetto dei ruoli in un'ottica di collaborazione genera reciproco rispetto e una spiccata empatia verso i miei stakeholdes. Le responsabilità le vivo come sfide da affrontare con ottimismo e spirito di sacrificio e desideroso di affrontarne sempre nuove e stimolanti. L'obiettivo assoluto è essere felice ogni volta che mi risveglio e ogni volta che vado a riposarmi.

Higher education (bachelor)

LUM - Libera università Mediterranea
Istituto Tecnico Commerciale ``G. Marconi''
accounting and programming, Diploma



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

RussianA1 — Basic

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Italy

Permission to work: Italy

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter